Questions for Reflecting and Dreaming into the New Year

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

Here are some ideas to help process the past year and step into the new year fully free and focused to run after Jesus with everything inside of you. Hope you are blessed!

Journal Reflection Exercise

Go through your journal for the year (or if you don’t have one, go through a timeline of your year) and note any highlights, challenges, key relationships, prophetic words, significant dreams, breakthroughs, revelations, and encounters. Notice any patterns you see. In your journal for the new year, write out any significant prophetic words, promises, or other things from this year that you think would be helpful for you to remember as you step into the new year.


Questions for Reflection

  • What did I learn this year?

  • What were key markers from this year?

  • What activities carried the presence and purpose of God in my life this year?

  • What activities depleted me?

  • What relationships brought life to me? Which drained me?

  • What experiences propelled me closer to my destiny?

Thank God for all He has done in your life this year and even for the things you have learn and grown in through the harder times. Grieve and let go of anything He shows you. Reconcile with whoever He highlights.


Letting Go of the Past & Positioning for the New Year

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” -Hebrews 12:1-2

Healthy endings prepare the way for grace filled beginnings. Not everything is supposed to live in every season. Not every commitment, relationship, discipline is meant for every season in life. You cannot carry two seasons simultaneously. Process the following questions with God:

  • Is there anything from this past year I need to leave behind?

  • Is there anything that fulfilled its purpose and is not supposed to enter into the new year with me?

  • Is there anything that needs to be laid down, surrendered, let go of, or die in this season so it doesn’t sabotage the next season or become excess baggage?

  • What do I need to eliminate or remove from my life this season that is not life-giving?

  • What or who do I need to release and surrender to the Lord?


Leaning into the New Season

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” –Ephesians 2:10

Now, as you shift from reflecting on the past to dreaming with God for the future, invite Holy Spirit to reveal God’s heart and His purposes for you in the new year.

  • What am I supposed to take with me into the new year?

  • What new rhythms does He want me to add?

  • Where do I need to engage, focus my energy?

  • Are there any new assignments awaiting me?

  • Are there any new relationships He is highlighting for me to lean into? 

  • What season am I in now? And what season am I about to step into?

  • How am I to position myself now to step into all He has for me in the coming year?


Thanksgiving & Prayer

Set apart some time to thank God for all He has done, taught you, formed in you, provided for you, relationships He has blessed you with, and whatever else comes to mind. Worship and celebrate all He’s done. Surrender the past and the future to Him. Welcome the fire of God to fall upon you, burning away anything that is not supposed to enter the new year with you, and ask for more oil. Then get ready to dive into all that He has for you in the New Year.

How One Teenage Girl Sparked the Welsh Revival

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D. 

Igniting revival begins by simply being in love with Jesus and sharing that passion with others. It only takes one match to light a revival fire that has the potential to impact generations.

In the early 1900s, spiritual hunger was being awakened in Wales. Methodist preacher Joseph Jenkins led a conference in 1903 focused on cultivating a deeper life in Christ. The next year, after being confronted by one of his congregants who said his preaching lacked power and conviction, Jenkins did some deep soul searching. He studied the writings of South African Andrew Murray and read a biography about D.L. Moody, which caused him to hunger for a greater experience with God. One night as he wrestled with God into the late hours, he had a life-changing encounter where he said he felt as if he was enveloped by a blue flame as the Holy Spirit descended upon him.[i] Overnight, he was transformed and ignited with fresh fire for God.

Florrie Evans was in his youth group and was being convicted by his new fiery preaching. On February 14, 1904 after the church service, Florrie wanted to connect with Jenkins but was too afraid to approach him. She later paced in front of the door to his house for about 30 minutes before getting the courage to knock on his door. When she finally did, he welcomed her in, and they sat in silence for a time until she spoke up to share her heart and how she longed to know God. He asked her if she had allowed Jesus to be Lord of her life. She wasn’t sure if she could do that yet because she feared what she would have to give up. He encouraged her to accept Jesus as Lord of her life and to shut herself away in her room to fully surrender to Him and to welcome the Holy Spirit.

The next Sunday, after the main service, Jenkins led another smaller meeting of about 60 young people, and asked them this question:

“What does the Lord Jesus Christ mean to you?”

One boy stood up and exclaimed, “Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world!”

This was not what Jenkins was looking for, so he rephrased the question and put the emphasis on the word you in his question. That’s when 19-year-old Florrie Evans stood to her feet and with a tremor in her voice proclaimed,

“I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart!”

God crashed in the room, and many started to break down and cry under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Revival began to spread in her church and beyond. Florrie’s declaration of love for Jesus is said to have been the spark that ignited a flame of what would later become known as the Welsh Revival.

Several months later, a group from Florrie’s church traveled to the region where 26-year-old coal miner Evan Roberts (1878-1951) was attending ministry school. He attended a revival meeting they led in Blaenanerch and it was there that he had his defining “bend me” encounter where God marked him with fire.[ii] About a month later, after having an open vision, he felt compelled to preach to the young people at his home church at Moriah Chapel. It was there, on October 31, 1904 that he preached and convinced all 17 people present to be saved. That was the beginning of what would later become known as the Welsh Revival of 1904 -1905 where in less than six months, over 100,000 people got saved. Shops closed down, people reconciled, crime decreased, debts were paid off, and the nation was brought to a spiritual awakening which continues to have ripple effects around the world to this day.

When this revival burst upon the scene, people from around the world were drawn to Wales to partake in what God was doing. They did not come to see an anointed speaker or a talented worship group on a stage; they came to meet with God. One eyewitness recounted:

“I saw a large, deep gallery surrounding the chapel literally packed with men. They were manly, intensely earnest faces, not looking around or talking one to the other, but with one consent utterly taken up with God. The body of the chapel was also crowded with men and women of all classes, with but one purpose–TO MEET GOD. There was no opening to the meeting; the hearts were full, and burst with prayer and praise to a God felt to be in our midst.”[iii]

The meetings were marked by prayer, testimony, and worship. The spontaneous leading of the Holy Spirit took precedent over any set plans or agendas. People were drawn to this revival to encounter God in a greater measure than ever before.

And it all got sparked by a teenage girl who simply declared her love and devotion for Jesus.

Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” –Matthew 22:37

Never underestimate the power of declaring your love for Jesus to this world.

*This excerpt was taken from Jen’s new book Feasting on God’s Presence: 40 Days of Encountering the Holy Spirit through Fasting available today and also as audio book in Jen’s voice too.

How does learning about how one teenage girl’s intimate love for Jesus ignited a powerful move of God impact you? What does it look like for you to declare your devotion and love for Jesus today?

Encountering God in Georgia

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

On April 6-7, 2024, me and some of the School of Revival family headed out to Thomasville, Georgia to host an encounter night and to minister at Victory Fellowship Church after a one year delay. See blog about our kairos moment in Macon, GA immediately following this time in Thomasville to learn more of the back story.

While in Thomasville, we got to be a part of a regionwide encounter night where God met us in a powerful way. At the end, we called up the leaders of the various ministries and churches in the region and got to lay hands on them and bless them.

Then on the Sunday, we got to minister at church and so many people came to the altar to surrender afresh and lay down their lives fully consecrated unto Jesus. It was so beautiful. Watch the teaching in video below.

Thanks for all the prayers in partnering to see God pour out His Spirit across the globe. I pray you are blessed, inspired, challenged, and ignited with fresh fire for first love of Jesus as you watch this session.

Blessing you!


God Knows Your Name: Kairos Moments in Georgia

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D. written April 11, 2024

The Delay is for a Reason

I was blown away at the Kairos moment I stepped into this weekend in Georgia. I was originally supposed to go to Georgia last year around this time but because my dad passed away the week before this engagement, I had to cancel my trip and send my team instead. As time went on, because I still had my plane ticket to Georgia and didn’t want it to go to waste I suggested we reschedule since the trip was already paid for. This past weekend, April 5-9, 2024, I headed to Georgia. Part of this trip included going to Macon to minister at a ministry called Ahava. I knew I would be there on April 8 which is the eve of the Azusa Street Revival anniversary (April 9, 1906). Then I realized April 8 was the same time as the rare full eclipse. Things were lining up and I was beginning to recognize the divine timing of the Lord over this delay.

Divine Appointments

After God moved significantly and beautifully in Thomasville, Georgia, me and the team headed to Macon to minister at Ahava. The divine connection to this community happened when I was at the Asbury Outpouring in Wilmore, Kentucky in February 2023. I went back to my seat to get a copy of Ignite Azusa to give to a young man named Evan who we were about to pray for in the hallway to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Another guy who had previously been sitting in my same seat came back looking for his lost wallet at the same time. He recognized me somehow and then when I grabbed the copy of my book Ignite Azusa he realized that’s how he knew me, because he had read that book! Long story short, since I was hosting an online School of Revival session that day on site, I went into that anointed hallway at Hughes Auditorium and had our School of Revival family pray and prophesy over Jacob and his assistant pastor Matt who was also there. They got rocked and it was a special moment.

So, after one year of delay, I finally made it out to Georgia and preached at Ahava the evening Sunday April 7. I shared about how to steward the oil and God broke out in a wild way. People were getting marked, free, and healed in the fire of God’s love. The next day I had prepared to speak on the Azusa Street Revival since it was the eve of the anniversary. When I woke up that morning for my daily devotions, I was shocked.

Kairos Moment

Each year I read the Bible all the way through. I start in Genesis in January and go at my own pace to finish in a year or less. I literally read through chronologically and don’t use any Bible plans. So, Monday April 8, while I am reading through Ezra in the Old Testament, I nearly stopped after chapter 7 but then decided to just read one more chapter. There was nothing highlighted on that page and nothing exceptional in the beginning of chapter 8. If I would have stopped after chapter 7 and not turned the page, I wouldn't have seen what followed until the next day. As I was reading that chapter and turned the page, I was blown away! The new page started with Ezra 8:15 that says:

“Now I gathered them by the river that flows to Ahava, and we camped there 3 days.”

Ezra went on to share how they were taking captives back to rebuild Jerusalem but they needed more Levites to come with them. All of these Levites they gathered to join the journey were designated by name (8:20). Then as I continued reading on, I came to Ezra 8:21 and saw the word Ahava a second time:

“Then I proclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from him the right way for us and out little ones and all our possessions.”

Here is the sense of consecrating themselves, with fasting and prayer to seek God for direction and protection.

            Then I came across a third time Ahava was mentioned in Ezra 8:31-32:

“Then we departed from the river of Ahava on the twelfth day of the first month, to go to Jerusalem. And the hand of our God was upon us, and He delivered us from the hand of the enemy and from the ambush along the road. So we came to Jerusalem…”

 I couldn’t believe it! There is only one chapter in the entire Bible that mentions the word Ahava and it is in Ezra chapter 8 where it is mentioned three times!!

I just happened to read that particular chapter while I was in Georgia ministering at Ahava that day. What are the odds of me reading that precise chapter, unplanned, on the exact day I was going to speak at Ahava about Kairos moments, one year after I was originally supposed to be there?! You can’t make these things up!

Divine timing. Divine alignment. I was stepping into a Kairos moment.

God broke out in a special way that night. Instead of loud manifestations, He actually brought us into a time of intimate beholding His beauty and led us into an extended time of silence where people were laid out in His kabod glory. It was truly divine.

God Knows Us by Name

The Lord knows the Ahava community by name. He also knows our names and has designated us by name to the assignments He has prepared beforehand for us to walk into (Ephesians 2:10). He knows the exact times and seasons for us to be where we are.

The divine intersection at the Asbury Outpouring, my dad’s transition to heaven, the cancelation and rebooking of flights a year later, my rescheduled trip to Georgia were all in God’s perfect timing.

The delay is for a reason. Even if it doesn’t make sense in the moment, God is redirecting us for His greater divine purposes.

I bless you to recognize the divine Kairos moment we are currently in. May you step into the river of His presence, fully yielded to the Holy Spirit, and move where He is moving, led by the underwater currents of His love.

To read more about what a Kairos moment is and to see the full story of my transition with my dad check out my latest book and/or ecourse Sustain the Flame. 

Keys for Stewarding Personal Revival

Revival series part 4

 by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D., Revival Historian

Keys for Stewarding Personal Revival, Encounter, Awakening (taken from Jen’s book SustaiN the Flame)

When the fires of revival get ignited, then what? The Moravians knew that it was important to then steward the flames of revival to keep the oil burning and thus they cultivated the new wine skin of 24-7 prayer. Though the wineskins for how to steward the fires of revival may look different, we can learn from the Moravian’s example that unity in prayer is a key for stewarding corporate revival.

And when revival comes to us personally or God meets us in a profound way, it is also important to steward those encounters to keep the oil burning. Cultivating family around the fireplace of revival, stewarding a heart of worship in all circumstances, and praying in tongues regularly are keys that can profoundly shape our spirituality and keep us focused on the face of Jesus. In addition to these, the following are some rhythms and pathways to greater intimacy with Jesus and stewarding the fire that I have found helpful in my life.


1. Stay Full of the Oil of Intimacy

In Matthew 25:1-12, we see the story of the wise and foolish virgins. This parable is symbolic of making sure we steward the oil of intimacy in our lives to keep the fire burning. If we try to rely upon other’s secret place encounters and stewardship of their relationship with Christ, it won’t get us to where we need to go. We must personally make sure to invest time in the secret place with Jesus, getting filled up by Him with the Holy Spirit and fire. There is no shortcut to building intimacy with Jesus, it requires time and an open and vulnerable heart. In John 15:1-8, we see that all fruitfulness flows from intimacy with Christ. We must stay connected to our Source. Read Walking on Water: Experiencing a Life of Miracles, Courageous Faith, and Union with God to go deeper in this area.


2. Consume the Word of God

We must be a people who know the truth deeply, especially in the midst of the increasing delusions, lies, and deceptions of the enemy. People who work at banks know when there is a counterfeit bill because they handle so much real money. When we are saturated in the truth, we will know when something is off. The shaking in our world will only increase. We must stand strong on the Word of God which is a solid rock. We must read it, eat it, breathe it, meditate on it, memorize it, and make declarations with it. Audio versions of the Bible are also a good way to get the Word hidden in our hearts.


3. Steward Encounters and God’s voice

We must learn to discern and steward the voice of God through His Word, encounters, as well trusted prophetic voices in speaking into our lives. If God marks you, linger in that space. Don’t shift or transition too quickly out of an encounter with God. Don’t jump right into a conversation with someone or look on social media or get distracted another way. Allow what He has just blessed you with to permeate to the deepest levels. Meditate on what it good and it will have a greater effect on you. Journal what He has shown you. When God speaks to you, obey Him immediately and keep your heart tender toward Him. Steward prophetic words over your life. Make sure to audio record them, and then listen to them, write them out, and pray over them until they become a reality.


4. Fast

Develop a rhythm of weekly or regularly fasting to keep the fire burning. You would be surprised at the radical shift that regular fasting can have in your life. Jesus regularly fasted and we must learn how to walk in His footsteps. Many revivals, encounters, or defining moments in revivalists’ lives were birthed while on a fast. See my book Fasting for Fire: Igniting Fresh Hunger to Feast Upon God for more on this with practical tools to help get you started or a reframing of what it really is to re-ignite you.

5. Learn to Wait on the Holy Spirit

Psalm 46:10 says “Be still, and know that I am God.” How many times do we stop talking, moving, planning, to simply just be with God and sit in His presence?[ii] Too many of us think we have to strive, contend, push to see God move. But what if rather than trying to make things happen on our own, we instead spent time with the Holy Spirit, listened to what is on God’s heart, were fully yielded, and simply responded to where He was leading? What if like Moses, we weren’t going to go anywhere, even into revival or into our destinies, if He didn’t go with us? What if we became a people that was led by fire in the night and cloud in the day? Or a people who wouldn’t move anywhere without His presence (Exodus 33)?

 6. Embrace Rhythms of Run, Rest, Release

It is important to discern what season you are in so you can steward it well in preparation for the upcoming season. Many times in life, there are seasons where you run hard, rest, then release or birth new things. This is cyclical in nature. During times of revival, things accelerate, people are running fast, it’s time to push. But it is also important to embrace the Sabbath. Recognize what season you are in and adjust to make sure you get what is needed in that time. The sabbath is not only Biblical, it is also a key for unlocking greater creativity in our lives. Embracing the sabbath, having fun, eat healthy, exercising regularly, and stewarding our bodies which are temple of the Holy Ghost are essential to run hard and finishing well. We don’t want to be a people who burn and then burn out. We need the sustaining burn.


7. Surround yourself with other Burning Ones

A single flame alone might burn for a little while, but for that flame to increase and not die out, it is important to unite with other flames. The more flames come together, the greater the fire and likelihood that your flame will not whither. I’ve seen too many people be a part of a great culture, environment, or ministry school for a season, get radically impacted, and then back to their homelands without being intentional to find and run with other sold-out burning ones. Soon, their fire wanes or even worse, they go back to a lifestyle they had before God encountered them powerfully. We must find other passionate Jesus lovers wherever God places us. The great thing now is that even if you can’t find any in your hometown, you can run with other burning ones in online communities for support to keep the fire burning. Ask God to surround you with spiritual mothers and fathers, kindred-spirited burning friends, and others you can encourage.

 8. Steward the Power of the Testimony

Another way to build up your faith and keep the fire burning is to recount and thank God for the testimonies of His faithfulness in your life and how He’s come through in the past. Whether it is by framing a picture on a wall that reminds you of a breakthrough or of His radical provision, writing down testimonies on a 3x5 card to go over to encourage yourself in, or some other creative way, do it! Steward these stones of remembrances (Joshua 4). By stewarding testimonies of God’s faithfulness in the Bible, in revival history, in the lives of others, and in your own personal history with God, you are prophesying into future breakthroughs and radical acts of faith.


9. Learn how to Deal with Disappointment

One of the greatest things that I’ve noticed takes Christians out or sidelines them is when they fail to deal with disappointment well. Some might suffer loss, have something happen to them they don’t understand, step out in faith for something that doesn’t happen. Rather than learn from it and trust God will turn it around for their good, many get discouraged, disillusioned, build up distrust against God, or condemn themselves as failures. If we really believe all the promises found in Romans 8 and have a healthy perspective on God the Father, we won’t turn to bitterness or embrace disappointment. Instead, we will deepen our connection with the Father and learn to trust Him even more. Memorize and believe Romans 8 and you will not be shaken.


10. Choose Unity and Love

This is both important on a personal and corporate level. Strive to be at peace with all people and take the road of humility again and again (Romans 12:18, Philippians 2). Trust God to vindicate you where you’ve been wronged. And just as Christ forgave you, so you must also do.

11. Don’t be Afraid to Shine

And finally, don’t be afraid to shine (Isaiah 60). God has appointed some to be leaders in our generation. Not everyone has been given the same amount of influence, favor, resources, anointing for leadership upon your life. Be the gift God has called you to be, however that might look. Not everyone was called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, but Moses was. Then it was Joshua who God appointed to lead them even further into their promised land. Humbly do the assignments God has entrusted to you without making excuses, making yourself look smaller, or sabotaging the call of God on your life (Ephesians 2:10). Give all the glory to God but when the invitation is there, step in while clinging to Him.



Hopefully some of the rhythms I have learned in my own life for stewarding the fire will encourage you. There are many more ways to steward the fire that may be unique for you.

  • Which of these keys are you already doing well in?

  • Which of these keys are highlighted for you to develop further?

  • What other keys have you noticed that can help you steward the fire in your heart that may be unique for you in this season?

These tips were taken from Jen’s book Sustain the Flame.

Fasting for Fire Practical Tips

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

As you step out in fasting for fire to learn how to position yourself to feast upon God, I pray these few tips help equip you in your journey. To dive even deeper check out the book Fasting for Fire which these tips are based up.

Be Led by the Spirit

Make sure you are led by the Spirit every step of the way as you venture out in faith to fast. Be wise and seek counsel or medical advice first regarding fasting if you have health issues. If you are pregnant, do not fast food but instead fast social media or something similar. For those who still want to participate in a fast but cannot because of health or weight issues, seek the Holy Spirit on how to be led in an alternative fast.

Start Small

If you have never fasted before, I suggest starting with a smaller fast and skipping two meals one day while drinking lots of water. If that is too hard, try drinking juice or a thicker liquid. For longer fasts, it is advisable to eat fruit just before. Remember that fasting is not just abstaining from food; it is also filling your soul with something better: the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Don’t avoid God by staying busy. Spend the time you would normally have spent eating instead in worship, silence, prayer, meditating on God, reading the Word, praying with a friend, or waiting upon Him. If you have a chance, go to an isolated place where you connect well with God. During your normal day, when you get hunger pains, turn your attention and affection toward God. The fast is the most effective when it is intricately woven together with communion with God.


I find that days one and two are the hardest of any fast, no matter how long the fast is. This is when your body is detoxing. Usually after making it past day three, it gets much easier. During longer fasts, many times energy levels drop, and you may get cold easily. You may find yourself tired and needing to take naps or struggling to sleep throughout the night. Another thing to take into consideration is that many times one of the harder parts of fasting is not being as social since most events surround food. These gatherings are still fine to join but sometimes it is helpful to communicate with the host ahead of time so it is not awkward at the dinner table.


During a fast, be aware of what comes up for you and take time to journal and process it. Are you easily irritated, feeling out of control, or experiencing some other extreme mood shift? What things are you running to rather than food? What themes are emerging in your heart? What relationships is He bringing to the surface, and is He asking you to respond in a certain way? Is there anyone you need to forgive or be reconciled with? Is there anyone you need to reach out to or become more aligned with? Ask the Holy Spirit what is really going on during these times and what He might be bringing up within you to heal. Ask God to go to the root of any issues that emerge. I encourage you to press in, worship, pray, scream, dance, run, intercede, beat a drum, contend, or whatever you feel you need to do to respond to God when the hunger gets severe.

Pay Attention

Pay attention to the details and themes in what is being highlighted to you during a fast. Many times, we can hear the still small voice of God more clearly and see things we haven’t been able to see before. Also, be aware of possible new alignments God may bring to you. Who is God highlighting to you during this time? Who is reaching out to you during a fast? Are there potential divine connections or anointed alliances He is bringing? Is He putting a burden on your heart for a specific person or nation? Is He putting a new idea in your heart? Is He redirecting your steps? Don’t be surprised if God changes your plans or redirects you during a fast. This is actually very common. In the process of focusing on His face and His agenda more precisely, many times people hear things from God that seem “out of the blue.” These revelations are from God and can be expected during a fast. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t feel anything or see what you have been praying for during the fast. Setting yourself aside to feast upon Him alone is an act of worship, which He is pleased about whether you experience a tangible immediate result or not.

There’s Grace

It is important to give yourself grace during a fast. If you end up breaking the fast prematurely or before the original goal you had set for yourself, don’t beat yourself up or come under condemnation (Romans 8:1–4). Celebrate each small victory. If you have never fasted before and you were able to fast one meal rather than two starting off, celebrate that you are on your way. There have been times when I couldn’t even make it to the end of my one-day fast and I had to eat. The grace had lifted for me to continue, and that’s okay. The beautiful thing about fasting with pure motives and the right perspective is that we are not fasting to try and prove a point to anyone or even to ourselves; we are simply positioning ourselves to know God better. We fast to encounter more of God. There are no rules here. We do it to fall more in love with God. The more we practice fasting, the easier it becomes.

How to Break a Fast

Practically speaking, it is important to break a fast well to avoid injuring your stomach or harming your body. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so make sure to be wise and steward what goes in there. Breaking a fast is usually good with liquids, fruit juices, and then moving on to fruit and vegetables. Slowly integrate more regular foods into your diet depending on how long the fast was. Generally, you can come off shorter fasts with a light meal of fruits or vegetables and then work your way toward weightier meals. Coming off of a fast will vary for each person and depend upon how long the fast was. For longer fasts, be gentle and slowly ease back into your regular diet so that you don’t shock your system. It is important to replenish your body with the proper nutrients. Coconut water can be helpful to drink before, after, and sometimes even on a liquid fast because it is rich in electrolytes. Taking vitamin supplements can also be useful. The main thing to be aware of on the other side of a fast is that your body has gone without nutrients and will need some time to replenish them to get back to normal. Do some research to learn the best way for you to come off of a fast, and record what works and what doesn’t for future fasts.

Join our FREE 3-Day Fasting for Fire Challenge Jan. 4-6, 2024 or our 4 week module and 21-Day Fast.

Word for 2024: The Oil

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

An Outpouring of Oil Awaits

I believe 2024 is a year of increasing oil. Oil represents intimacy with Jesus and also the Holy Spirit. Since mid 2021, I have been meditating on the story in 2 Kings 4. This story of the indebted widow who experiences a miracle of the multiplication of oil for her region because she stewarded the little oil will prove key for what God is wanting to pour out in 2024.

We must steward the oil of intimacy in our lives. Many times this is costly and means saying no to other things or even offending others as the five wise virgins had to do in Matthew 25.

We must become oily ones, saturated in His presence, willing to pay the price. There is a shaking, crushing, pressing, and refining that happens to produce oil. Oil is needed to sustain the flame burning within us. The only way to get the oil is by spending time in God’s presence. There are no short cuts or impartation to get the oil. It’s price is our highest commodity: Time.

Fires of Consecration 

There is also an increased invitation to throw off everything that hinders (Hebrews 12:1-2) and run after Jesus in abandonment, to step into the fires of total consecration once again (John 15). We must get to the point where we are willing to pay any price to see His glory come. 

Relational Realignment 

2024 will be also be a time of relational realignment. There will be a shuffling, shifting, and transitioning of people into new key friendships, partnerships, church affiliations, and ministry associations.

Many will suddenly be uprooted from one community only to be planted in a different one. This may happened suddenly. This is not bad or because you’ve done something wrong, it is God bringing realignment for a new season. Do not be surprised by this shift but process the transition with the Lord, fully surrender and entrust your previous commitments to Him, grieve the loss of the changing relational dynamics, thank Him for all He has done there, reflect on what you’ve learned and will take with you, let go of what needs to stay behind, and step in to be present for your new assignment and the new relationships God wants to bring into your life in 2024.

The Lord is at work in the transition. Even though it may be uncomfortable to be in the letting go phase before the new has come, it is temporary. In the hallway before being realigned, lean into the Lord and give yourself grace in the process. In this time of stripping away what you once held dear, the Lord is causing you to cling to Him in an even greater way. You will get to the other side soon enough, but be present in the waiting to receive the hidden treasures in the dark places that the Lord wants to reveal (Isaiah 45:1-3). 

Blessing you as you step into all that He has for you in the new year. May you be baptized in fire so that He burns away anything that does not belong in this new season and refines and purifies the gold that is to remain, all for His glory. Trust in Him even when you don’t understand. He loves to draw near to those in the valley of decision (Joel 3:14). You are not alone. He’s got you. Keep your eyes on Him. Beautiful things await.


Teaching on the Oil


Jennifer Miskovoil
Miracle Wave Story: Kelly Slater's Surf Ranch

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

You may have heard of my Miracle Flight story (in Walking on Water) or my Miracle House story (in Sustain the Flame), but have you heard about my Miracle Wave story?

One of the dreams in my heart and top on my bucket list has been to ride Kelly Slater’s wave at Surf Ranch. This is the best man made wave in the world that took 10 years of research and design to make. It is the pioneer wave for the whole industry. The only problem was it was near impossible to get in because it’s not open to the public and it’s very expensive.

Returning from a spontaneous but God orchestrated trip to Texas where I got to ride a very fun man-made wave there I had been wanting to do for years, I heard from my friend Selina that was taking a trip to Kelly Slater’s Surf Ranch this December. I immediately reached out to see if I could book a spot in the group, but unfortunately it was already full.

Since I was too late to join the trip but still felt like this was my time to ride this wave, I stepped out in faith to pay the fee to watch for the day and booked a hotel nearby. I had just finished the Update Edition of my book Walking on Water and felt like God wanted to celebrate all the hard work and bless me in this way. I felt I needed to position myself for the miracle God wanted to do and be ready just in case anyone dropped out last minute. I felt like God was going to open a door for me to ride my dream wave one way or another.

Most of the prophetic words spoken over my life have to do with me riding the wave of the Holy Spirit and leading others to ride. I just finished the Updated Edition of my book Walking on Water and I’ll be ministering internationally in 2024 for the first time since the lockdown, riding a new wave in the Spirit. I felt like riding the wave at Surf Ranch, one of the best waves in the world, was prophetic for what God wants to pour out in 2024 and a celebration after completing my book.

About a week before the trip, I got a text message from Jay Reale that someone had to drop out of the trip, so I was able to take their entire slot!

Answered prayer!

All that to say, December 2, 2023 I got to catch a few of the best waves of my life with some of my long time surfing friends Vicki Reale and even bless my friend with a wave of her life.

Vicki, me, and Selina

Dreams come true for those who believe and it delights God’s heart to give us the desires of our hearts (I share the Scriptures to back this up in Walking on Water). Never stop dreaming or believing. The Father delights to give His children good gifts. Special thanks to Tony Prince for the epic photos, Selina for land videos, Jay and Vicki Reale for setting this whole thing up and letting me join, for keeping the sport alive, and Kelly Slater and Surf Ranch for creating a once in lifetime epic experience for us all!

The Oil

by Jennifer A. Miskov , Ph.D.

Without oil in your car, you can go for sometime on gas alone but a day will come where the lack of oil will cause your car to shut down and no longer be able to get you to where you need to go.

In our walk with Jesus, we must stay full of the oil of the Holy Spirit and of intimacy. We must be like the 5 wise virgins in Matthew 25 who paid a price to protect and steward their oil so that when their time came to step into their moment of destiny, they were ready.

Oil comes at a price. There is a shaking that must first happen to get the olives off of the tree, then there is a crushing with a huge mill stone. Then the crushed olive paste is placed on flat circular plates on top of each other before they are then pressed down for the oil to be extracted. After that it goes through a filtering process to purify it.

Don’t be surprised if golden oil is released from your life on the other side of extreme hardships, shaking, and pressing. God is forming something beneath the surface.

Don’t give up. Hold on to hope. He will take your pain and turn it into golden oil in due time.

The oil poured out upon the feet of Jesus in John 12 came at a cost. Some scholars think that particular oil was so expensive that it would have taken a year’s salary to buy it. And it was all “wasted” at the feet of Jesus. But, when that one act of lavish love was poured out, the fragrant aroma of that oil filled the room and permeated the atmosphere with heaven’s scent. It is likely that Jesus had residue of this fragrant aroma on him at the crucifixion.

There is only one way to become a person full of the oil. There are no shortcuts. No Impartations strong enough to fill your oil. The price of getting the oil is TIME. Spending my time with Jesus in the Secret Place, not just checking off a list of prayer requests or daily devotions, but time set apart simply to commune with Jesus, be vulnerable to share your heart, yield fully and receive His love, listen to His heart. That is the key to the anointing. There’s no other way. He’s longing for us to be oily ones that carry and release the perfume of heaven wherever we go.

Will you set apart time this week simply to worship and adore Jesus, bringing an offering of love and devotion, come to Him with no other agenda  than to pour out your heart of love before Him? He’s drawing you near. When you respond to come close, then you will see an outpouring of oil springing from the depths of your being and overflowing God’s love, presence, and power to all you come in contact with.

Get newly Updated Edition of Walking on Water that includes a bonus chapter on the Oil, specifically looking at 2 Kings 4.

Jennifer Miskov
Riding the Wave of the Spirit: Texas Tour

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

This is Part 2 of a week long ministry trip I took to New York then Texas. Read Part 1 HERE

Monday October 16, 2023, the day after I was in New York for a ministry trip with a primarily Slavic community, I was due to go straight to Israel. Less than a week before my flight to New York however, war broke out in Israel. As things were shifting, I felt led to go to Texas instead for a ministry engagement I had previously said I was unable to do because I would be in Israel. Once that trip got cancelled, Texas opened up in more ways than one. And I had the most epic of adventures.

Finding Waves in Texas! Waco, Texas

When I was trying to figure out where to go after New York, I realized I had a free day before my next ministry assignment near Austin, Texas. The week before this trip, I had been running hard and had completed two manuscripts for upcoming books at the same time. I knew the days in between New York needed to include rest and hopefully fun. I finally decided to just head to Texas a day early to rest there rather than linger in New York or try to make another stop on the way.

After I made that decision, I looked into the possibility of driving to the Waco Surf park that Tuesday to get some waves since it has been a long time dream for me to get to visit and ride waves there. There were no open sessions that day and there was also no way to get my bodyboard there so that was a no-go. Two days before I was flying out to New York, I texted my bodyboard friends to see if they wanted to paddle out at Newport Beach the day before my flight. One replied that she was resting and getting ready for her trip to Waco Texas the next week. I told her I would also be in Texas. Then, God began to align the stars perfectly for a dream of mine to come true.

Their bodyboard trip was that same time I would be there so it looked like I might just be able to overlap with them. I was able to miraculously book a session that Monday afternoon and I also changed my flight into Texas to be earlier that following Monday so I could make an afternoon session at the wave pool and be able to join my bodyboard friends for their final few sessions that evening. I was even able to drop off my bodyboard and gear off at my friend’s house that Thursday before I flew out to New York.

And, even with just 2 hours of sleep following a night of ministry in New York and then heading to Waco, I had the best time. It was so epic to be there! Double barrel wave with launch pad, rolling Trestles wave, even the Wedge wave where I pulled in and got an epic barrel first time. I got to ride with my friends who just happened to be doing a trip at the exact same time I had already decided to come to Texas a day early and in the same place where God redirected me to when my trip to Israel got canceled. I even got to ride on my own board. You can’t make these things up!

God knows me so well and arranged for me to happen to be led to come to Texas at the exact same time as my friends were taking a bodyboarding trip to the Texas Waco wave pool. Only God could prearrange redirecting me to Texas at this exact time and even setting it up so my friend could bring my board with her on the trip. I am so grateful for the beautiful provision of the Lord to give us our hearts desires. I am so grateful for the ways we run hard after God and then those divine moments that He orchestrates to bring things together perfectly to bless us specifically in the desires of our hearts.


David Diga Hernandez Ministries: Round Rock, TX

The next day I rested and prepared for my next ministry assignment coming up. Then that Wednesday, I had the huge honor to partner with one of my favorite ministries David Diga Hernandez Ministries by ministering to his team of interns. There were 18 total and I released my Less than 20 message. The Holy Spirit crashed in and marked many with His fire and love. All were on their knees or laid prostrate under the heavy weight of God’s presence. It was a time to remember.

Was so amazing hanging out with some generals of the faith in Texas. In the above picture you will find me chilling with Aimee Semple McPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman, Billy Graham, Smith Wigglesworth, David Diga Hernandez, Stephen Moctezuma, and Benny Hinn to name a few!

After a short break following my session with David’s interns, I got to film some episodes about women healing evangelists in his studio which was super fun. These will eventually be on his new streaming platform called Numa. Another dream come true to partner with one of my favorite ministries. David has a value for revival history, honors the Holy Spirit, and is teaching this generation how to walk with Holy Spirit. I was so incredibly blessed to partner with him at his new base in Texas.

Mansfield, TX

From Austin, I next went to Mansfield, Texas back to Freedom Life church led by my friend Steve Pixler. I was there in May and God birthed something special so it was an honor to be back and continue in the momentum. We did an encounter night Friday and then I got to share about The Oil on Sunday. God crashed in and released His healing love. I also got to see some of the School of Revival family who live nearby which is always a treat.

Who would have known that there was a week of epic intersections prepared for me in Texas when I already had a ticket to Israel. While my heart breaks for what is happening over there now, I am so grateful for the divine redirections the Lord gave me this past week. Thank you all for praying and supporting me on my adventures with the Holy Spirit and seeking to lead people into greater depths of His glory.

Jennifer Miskov