Inheritance in Germany: January 2018


We had such a wonderful time in a land rich with inheritance. My first stop was to reunite with the Destiny House family and go to Basilea Schlink's convent together in Darmstadt, Germany. Was so special to talk and pray together with the nuns and experience their joy and deep friendships with each other. We got to swap stories of living in intentional community together.


The next day we got to go to Neuschwanstein Castle that inspired Walt Disney. Was fascinating hearing the story about King Ludwig and the creative genius he was but how society never understood him.


Then we got to minister at a BSSM ministry school plant in Füssen,Germany Monday and Tuesday. It was wonderful being back together with Kat, Elisa, Lara and seeing Juliette too. The first session the Holy Spirit crashed in and we ended up just worshipping and waiting on God the whole session and He touched hearts deeply. The following sessions were filled with restoring the inheritance Germany carried by sharing stories about Martin Luther, Johann Blumhardt, Zinzedorf and the Moravians. Reminding them of their roots was powerful. Then we finished it off with a session about Destiny House and the need to cultivate family if we want revival to be sustainable. Hearts were deeply moved and catalyzed to make more intentional time and space to build deeper friendships and re-prioritize family.


One of the things that was so encouraging to hear while there was when many of the leaders who used to be BSSM students came to me and told me how the session on the Welsh revival that I, Kat, and Elisa did for BSSM 1st year 3 years ago profoundly impacted their lives. One of the leaders told me how that was the first time He encountered God in a significant way and will never forget it. Was so encouraging to hear about how a deposit from years ago is still bearing fruit. I also later ran into another BSSM student who shared the testimony of how he had a defining moment while at one of our worship encounter nights as Destiny House 2 years ago. Check out his 1 minute testimony in the video below.


From there we went to Lörrachto be a part of the first ever School of Awakening. 156 mostly evangelists from around the world to take part. More than the incredible teaching and impartation, I was most profoundly impacted by the Thursday night session where God came in such a deep and tender way where we continued in worship and in His presence instead of the teaching. My heart experienced something that I only usually feel when I personally minister but rarely get to experience and receive for myself in other meetings. There was deep healing, stillness, and weightiness of God's presence in that place and I felt His love melt down walls in my heart in such a powerful way. I'm so grateful the leadership recognized that the moment we had with God was more important than any teaching they could give.


The other thing that marked me even more than the revelatory teaching was the culture of the Awakening Europe team led by Ben Fitzgerald. They were just family who loved each other and loved Jesus with their whole hearts doing what God was leading them to do together. There was such honor, partnership, and celebration in their midst. So inspiring.


I am looking forward to investing more into Europe and receiving from the deep wells there in the coming years as the Lord leads. I'm super grateful for those who prayed or sowed into this trip. Blessing you all with more fire and deeper connection with family!

Jennifer MiskovComment