This is a space to highlight some of the incredible creative expressions some of my students have birthed as a result of studying revival history together and welcoming more of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Enjoy!
The Comforter Has Come
This very real, raw, uncut, unedited, clip of The Comforter Has Come (1890) released during a field trip I took my Vanguard University History of Pentecostalism class to at the Bonnie Brae Street House on March 7, 2020. This song was a prominent song during the Azusa Street Revival. One of my students, Evan DeCock, blessed us all by learning the song of the revival and releasing it that day in the Bonnie Brae Street House (the birthplace of the Azusa Street Revival). That worship time together has to be one of the most memorable of my life. Little did we all know that after worshiping our hearts out to Jesus that day, less than a week later we would no longer be able to meet in person for class. The timing of this field trip and what God poured out that day was unforgettable. Hope you are blessed by tapping into these deep wells with us. (Sorry about the poor sound quality and the creaking chairs, I felt the anointing from that moment was worth it).
T-shirt design by Evan DeCock capturing the same theme of The Comforter Has Come.
Dancing over injustice
Partnering in Dance in 3 different cities during Pentecost weekend 2020 during the School of Revival 101 in May 2020.
From Lauren Stonestreet:
Even though Nikkole and I have never met in person — we are sisters. God brought us together in an online School of Revival history with Jennifer Miskov this month in May 2020. Our last class was this past week, and we both realized we had similar history and connection to cities and places. We had planned this video before we knew what this weekend events would hold, and I was traveling home to Charleston, WV to see my family for the first time in 6 months. She was also doing the same to Cleveland, OH. I was traveling from Charlottesville, VA and her, Dallas-Fort Worth, TX. We planned to dance and declare in our cities based off of a vision 4 years ago I had of a river flowing in the streets from the city center of Cleveland, Charlottesville, and Charleston that I shared with her. This held significance for us, and Nikkole came to me with an idea to collaborate and DANCE. Two women who have never met, but are sisters in the spirit, dancing on injustice. Over this past week, we have shared stories and shared our hearts, and prayed together. This is what revival looks like — family.
From Nikkole Worship-Wilson:
On this Pentecost Sunday Lauren and I are dancing in the spirit together in unity and is calling forth the sound of the mighty rushing wind of the Holy Spirit to breathe on this earth to bring peace and comfort. These intercession dances of worship & warfare is to break down the walls of racism and division and to take back the territory.
Spoken prayer live by Nikkole’s sister, Pastor Monique Faith Worship of Cleveland, Ohio.
“Let justice roll down like a a never-failing stream.” Amos 5:24
Capturing a beautiful landscape near her home and tying it together with a Frank Bartleman quote, Jessika Van Wingle from Vanguard University 2020 class shared this word of hope as her creative expression.
“Dear Revival Fiesta” Hip Hop Song
This is Yaseer Handall and this is my creative expression in the form of a song called “Dear Revival Fiesta” from Dr.Miskov revival class at Vanguard University. This song is inspired by past revivals including the Azusa Street Revival whose central message was unity between all people, colors, and backgrounds. I struggled at first to find the form of music I wanted to present this message through thinking worship was the only way. With this song though God pushed me past my comfort zone and I went with Hip-Hop. “Dear Revival Fiesta” is a song that I intended people to listen to and bring people together through dancing, singing, and praising the name of Jesus in a different way. I hope that you listen to this song, that you help support a future revivalist, and you experience the joy of God.
“The Pentecostal Blues”
performed by David Flores who took the History of Pentecostalism (Azusa Street Revival) class at Vanguard University during the Covid-19 pandemic (April 2020).
Photo by Society6
Fresh Fire
a poem by De’Siree Reeves SOR2020
there's fresh Fire coming
carried in the Wind
but we are not Afraid
there's Fresh fire coming
crashing in torrents, sweeping Waves
but we welcome the Blaze
we stand with Roots wide
Arms stretched high
come fire, Come in the wind
make these Sleeping Giants live again
bring glory in the Blaze
Surface our stories in the waves
free new life from the Decay
herald gardens from the Graves
there's Fire coming in the wind
rushing in Torrents, dancing waves
but we are not Petrified
we stand roots Intertwined
we stand palms to the Sky
Come fire, come in the wind
make these sleeping Giants Live again
bring Glory in the blaze
surface our Stories in the waves
free new Life from the decay
herald Gardens from the graves
Tsunami Wave of Glory
by Seya Cha, South Korea (School of Revival 2020)
I want to tell you about a dream I had this morning, 4 hours before we had the last session. I have had Tsunami in my dreams since 2016, several times. In those dreams the Tsunami seems to get closer as the dream repeated every year. Last month when I had the dream, the Tsunami hit the window of a building I was in, and the water splashed to me through slightly open window of the building.
Then this morning, in my dream, I was taking a class and there was an instructor and many students. (Maybe the class was 'School of Revival'?) We were in a large building almost entirely made of glass. Then I saw the Tsunami approaching. It was gigantic and I was scared. Soon it hit the glass wall and ceiling and a corner of the building started to break. I was sure that all of us would be consumed so I was transported to the center of city Seoul, instantly. I found myself running with a high speed, because I wanted to tell my parents living in Seoul about this Tsunami. (In reality I'm a bit faster than a turtle) Then I woke up.
I didn't know what the tsunami meant until sometime this year, then I saw someone wrote that Tsunami is Glory of God. If my dream means anything, I suppose something greater is coming, to the members of this class, too. Dr. Jennifer Miskov seems to be a surf expert so she can surf on the Glory Tsunami and other students can because we got impartation from her.
*Seya also did these beautiful Jesus graphics and launched the Amazing Jesus testimony website below too!
The Power of the Testimony
by Seya Cha in South Korea during School of Revival 2020
I first joined a School of Revival online course in May 2020. Before then, I've had no experience of having a community where people share their experiences with God. In the SOR 101: Family is the Fireplace of Revival, there was an activation called "Stone of Remembrance," which is to share any items that help remember what God did in their lives. While watching other students' testimonies, I was quite amazed by what God did for many people. Many of them were supernatural, unthinkable, and unimaginable. They were eye-opening moments, and I thought these testimonies could help many people know more about God once they are available to them.
Sometime after the end of the class, I thought about a website where people can share their testimonies. I learned that testimonies can lead many people to Jesus and to more understanding about God. Not only that, in the class I also learned that "Testimony is prophecy"--what happens to one person can happen to others. So I decided to go for it, for the benefit of many people. I also wanted to translate those testimonies into Korean, so people in my country can benefit.
For almost two months, it's been a struggle creating the website as I doubted my decision. “Am I qualified to do this?” “Am I able to do this?” “Is this worth it?” However, I figured out those questions were the top three biggest accusations of the enemy. Also, every time I try to quit, I stumble upon encouraging words while doing something else. For example, last time I really tried to quit designing the website and turn it into my personal gallery or something else, a Youtube video of Bill Johnson popped up on my phone, and the video was about “Testimony is prophecy.” Moreover, the video was already translated into Korean! So I thought, “This must be Father’s message,” and I never stepped back again. If I do my part, God will take care of all the rest.
Finally, in the second SOR 201 class called "Pioneering Revival" I was able to publicize this website as a "Creative Expression," which became another activation in the class.
Courageous Faith
by Jacqueline Crow, School of Revival 2020
I was introduced to Maria Woodworth-Etter (1844-1924) in the History of Women in Ministry Leadership class with Dr. Jennifer Miskov at The King's University in Southlake, TX. When I first began to read about Maria, I quickly connected to her in so many ways. From our hindrance to follow God's calling on our life due to the many fears of stepping out, to the age that we both recognized and surrendered to God in our callings, our longing for revival and resolution within the churches and cities, and the desire to heal the broken and unreached people groups and bring the lost sheep to the Shepherd. The first night I read of her many visions from God, I received impartation and had a vision through a dream that evening. It was evident from that point forward that God wanted me to learn something from Maria's life.
After class one day, Avalon Haven, a fellow student at TKU, prophesied over my ministry. As she spoke of the vision she was having of me ministering in different ways, she said I was wearing a white floral Bohemian style dress in each scene. She had many beautiful things to say about my future and my heart for God's children. Her prophecy provided some much needed comfort and healing as I had been nervous about if I was doing the right thing by going to seminary while still working full time and raising a family.
On the way home from class, I began thinking of the Creative Expressions Project that Dr. Miskov mentioned would be due at the end of class in regards to the woman we selected to study. I had claimed Maria Woodworth-Etter just as quickly as I could get my hand up and say "She's mine!" I feel the Holy Spirit led this project, and gave me an answer to a year long prayer of asking for an opportunity to start painting again in the midst of my busy life. I began to see myself in a white floral Bohemian style dress, standing with my hand pointed up to the heavens as if in Maria's famous 'Trance Evangelist' pose. I couldn't wait to get started!
When I finally purchased my supplies and picked up my paint brush for the first time in over 6 years, I was anxious. As a perfectionist, I wasn't sure how well this would go after so much time had passed. Yet, it was obvious to me with each stroke that the Holy Spirit was guiding me through this painting. I would stop and admire each section as I completed it, in shock of how the Holy Spirit had guided my hand. Not only was this an answer to prayer, but may I be so bold as to say, that this is by far the best painting I've ever accomplished. I stared at it for hours after it was complete, praising God for his guidance. I knew that this painting was to be a reminder for me the rest of my life as to my connection with Maria's ministry, her heart, and of what God wanted me to glean most from her ministry, courage. This stone of remembrance will forever remind me to strive for a fearless life of courage for the sake of the Kingdom of God.