Posts tagged School of Revival
3:1 Rules for War: How to Partner with Heaven in Times of Crisis

God has created, called, and commissioned you for such a time as this. You were born to release His light in places of darkness, and His hope in places of despair.

There are many ways to partner with heaven in the midst of this global crisis we are facing. The story of revivalist Rees Howells contains keys that can prophesy into our response in the current world affairs in regards to the Ukrainian/Russia war and through the storms of life we face.

I will share several keys in how you can practically partner through prayer wherever you are at to see God’s kingdom come for such a time as this. We will look at a few (not all) of the following keys and specific Scriptures that go with each so that you can be strengthened and activated to partner with heaven and release effective prayers that disarm the enemy.


1. Perspective: Embrace the Perspective of heaven.

2. Posture: Posture yourself according to your Authority in Christ.

3. Preparation: Train yourself to be ready in season and out.

Armor & Weaponry

4. Put On: Put on the armor of Christ daily.

5. Prayer: Pray always.

6. Praise: Praise God during the battle. Strategy for War

7. Prophetic: Listen to the prophetic voices in your life.

8.Partner: Partner with the body of Christ and angels.

9. Purity: Do everything in love.

Stepping into the Battle

10. Prayer Targets: Pray strategically during times of crisis.

11. Personal Battles: Go in the opposite spirit. See a blog with some tips here:

See also video version of this teaching below.

See short blog on these themes at

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2:11 Heidi Baker on Pioneering Revival: School of Revival 201

This session comes directly from our last session in School of Revival 201 on Pioneering Revival where Heidi joined us from Mozambique. Access this video along with other teachings from School of Revival 201 HERE

2:10 Lou Engle on Consecration: School of Revival 202

This session comes directly from our first day, second session in School of Revival 202 on Consecration where Lou shares his heart and passion behind the theme. Learn more about School of Revival HERE

New book Fasting for Fire 🔥 with Lou Engle out now!