by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.
I had the opportunity to minister in Washington this past weekend (June 24-25, 2022) and wow! The hunger, expectation, and way they prepared the ground with intercession was powerful. God moved in such a marking way during the Friday night revival meeting. There was one moment I will never forget as long as I live.
After worship, I got invited up to speak. My teaching never got released in its original form because God showed up and released it in His manifested presence and power instead. As we dove into the river of the Holy Spirit and just waited upon God, He began to stir the waters. His presence descended upon us. We were not hasty to move from that place. We remained there, fixing our eyes upon Him and leaning in to see what was on heaven’s agenda for that night. While we were waiting, praying, I had a prophetic word for someone who I later found out was a pioneering leader in that region.
Even though I did not formally give the message I had prepared, the call nevertheless remained the same. I’ve always been struck by the Moravian missionaries who were willing to lay down their rights for the sake of the Gospel. Some even sold themselves into slavery so they could reach the slaves for Christ. Having several close friends who are a part of the persecuted church and hearing firsthand stories of what is happening around the world now as well as recently finishing our School of Revival intensive on the theme of Martyrdom, I felt compelled to do something I had never done before. I was in the presence of a people whom God had prepared and made ready. He was inviting, even just one, who would lay down his or her life and be willing to be martyred for the call of Christ. Technically, this is the call of every Christian when we choose to surrender our lives to Christ. But there was a weightiness and in the presence of God and river of the Holy Spirit, I asked if there might just be one who would be willing to lay down their life for the cause of Christ no matter what the cost.
I believe God is preparing the western church for persecution that we haven’t yet faced. We must be ready. So, as I was sharing about this call and encouraging people not to make this decision hastily but to really weigh the cost before responding, a young mother who had a baby strapped on her chest RAN from the back to the altar trembling under the mighty hand of God. The fire and anointing was increasing upon her there at the altar. Following her courageous act of devotion to Jesus, others soon rushed to the altar to lay down their lives in surrender, willing to pay any price.
This is the fearless mother, Stephanie, who ran to the front with her baby the night before this. Such a radical pioneer Jesus lover.
If we can get to the point where we would be willing to die for Christ, I believe the way we live would look a lot different. My friends who are literally on the front lines and experiencing some of the most horrific persecution you can imagine, they live differently. When you are on the front lines, your perspective, and the way you live your life is never casual or compromising in any way. You literally are depended upon Jesus for your very life.
All that to say, something beautiful and marking happened in Washington this past weekend that I will never forget. I am so grateful to God for crashing in and so moved and humbled by the response of these laid down lovers. I can’t wait to see how God will use their absolute yielded devotion to Him to release His love, fire, and glory to this world.
I believe this testimony is a prophetic call to many more hungry ones around the world who might be willing to lay down their rights for the sake of unity and even their lives for the cause of Christ. If that’s you, I encourage you to lay prostrate before the Lord as an act of total surrender and ask for Him to send His fire upon your life. Lay down all your rights. Ask Him to come and fill you with His Holy Spirit. Then yield quickly to the leading of Holy Spirit and see how God will use your laid down life for His glory for such a time as this.
“Embracing the call to martyrdom is not so much about aiming to die well as much as it is about aiming to love well.” –Dalton Thomas, author of Unto Death: Martyrdom, Missions, and the Maturity of the Church
“If you have not discovered something you are willing to die for, then you are not fit to live.” –Martin Luther King Jr.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” – Romans 12:1 written by the Apostle Paul, who was later martyred for his faith
Learn more about or join our next Martyrdom School of Revival module HERE
P.S. I also got to stay on a farm, ride a horse named Jack, and enjoy the random “heat wave” they like to call it of perfect sunny Southern California weather I brought with me to Washington. Super grateful to Tracy for inviting me to be a part of what God is doing in her community, Tina and Gateway family for welcoming me, Dawnelle for her warm hospitality, and my incredible team of School of Revival and Destiny House family that came together to help birth a new thing there. Sara, Amy, and Tracy so grateful for you coming out to partner together. Such a special time!