Stepping into a New Season of Impossibilities

by Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD

Isaiah 43:16-19

"This is what the Lord says - He who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters...'Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past (unless feasting on His faithfulness and testimonies of old). See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.'"

As I reflect on what God did one year ago when I didn’t have a plane ticket but showed up at the airport by faith anyway, I am undone by His goodness. The above passage was one that I mediated on weeks before the miracle happened. I needed God to part the waters of impossibilities on my behalf. Several days before my miracle occurred, I texted a friend and said, "I am believing God will make a way and that this testimony will be sent out to dismantle strongholds of fear and infuse this generation with hope in a God who loves to love us!" This is my prayer for you today as you read the full testimony or watch the video. May this story inspire you to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit regardless of the circumstances. May hope and faith arise in you to follow your heart and dive deep into the community God has for you in this season.

Who are your people in this season?

God so loves family, friends, and relationships. In the midst of transitions, the question I always ask myself and encourage others to ask is not necessarily where, what, or how but who? Who do you feel God is aligning you to run with in this next season? What do you most burn for and who else burns for the same thing (Healing, Revival, Family, Evangelism, Glory, Missions)? Our destiny is found deep within God’s heart and also within the hearts of the people He has called us to run with. How can you position yourself to dive deep into relationship with God and with the community He has for you to synergize with in this season? What does your dream of this look like for the summer?

I believe that today marks a new season in our lives. New friendships and partnerships will form this summer that weren’t there before. You will go deeper in existing friendships while at the same time celebrate and thank God for a season of life you had with some friends who are now transitioning to other things. As you step out in faith towards the impossibilities God has put in your heart, those who are called to run with you in a deeper way will arise. Stay in peace, through all the change, God’s got you and remains faithful and present. Cling to your best friend Jesus who never will leave you and is always so for you.

Yesterday afternoon, Carmella, one of the ladies who lives at Destiny House, started screaming and praising Jesus really loud downstairs when I was relaxing in my room above. Not long later she came running into my room explosive with excitement. She told me that when she was packing up, she came across a book she had for Bethel School of Supernatural Ministries about the life of healing revivalist William Branham. For whatever reason that book caught her eye more than the others so she decided to browse through it, only to find 11 $20 bills right in the middle of the book. The book has been kept on the shelf for some time and she has no idea how the money got there, but God… She said, “What an incredible answer to prayer!!! God is SO good. Lost for words, other than screaming down the house. Thank you Jesus! Life note to self: In God's Kingdom I am not bound by lack or limitation. Amen.”

So in regards to Miracle Flights or Miracle money appearing from out of nowhere, God is good and loves to bless His kids who follow their hearts and don’t look back. May you receive an incredible impartation of courage to follow your heart today, clinging to Jesus your only hope. As you step out, may you see God do miracles on your behalf, simply because He loves you. Amen.

Jennifer Miskov