You Have a Voice

by Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD., Author and Founding Director of Destiny House

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”

Isaiah 60:1

Each of you reading this right now has something special inside of you that God has shaped, formed, and destined for you to release to the world. Your heart is valuable and precious to God. Your journey is unique. You are important and what you have to say is significant. There is great purpose in every single twist and turn in your life. Only you can release the message God is forming inside of you to the world because only you have had your specific experiences that have helped mold it.

There are people right now who are crying out to God to receive what you carry. People waiting for you to be bold and courageous to share your heart so that they can receive breakthrough. God’s story in your life is powerful to unlock doors in people’s hearts and to set them free. His faithfulness in your journey is a beacon of hope for those still in a storm.

Before you came to be, God handcrafted and knit you together in your mother’s womb. You are uniquely and wonderfully made. God understands everything about you (Psalm 139)! He is so in love with you and proud of you for always running to Him in times of trouble and in times of simply wanting to draw near.

Shame no longer has control over your life because He has ALREADY paid the price with His own precious blood to free you from its hold. It’s a done deal.  You are already free. It’s now time to walk in the truth of that reality and realize the great value God has placed on your very life by sending His only Son in exchange for your life. That’s how worth it you are to Him. The gift has already been paid for and given.

Arise and shine, you were born for such a time as this. Your voice is important and what you have to say to the world will shake nations and impact generations. The world needs to hear what’s on your heart. I need to hear what’s on your heart. I pray for the deep, intense, blue flame of God’s love to utterly consume you right now and for there to be such a burning inside that you can no longer keep it to yourself.

*I believe each person carries a message in his or her heart to release to the world. If you feel a call specifically to write (books, poems, music, etc.), I would love to help catalyze and release you into sharing your heart through this area. I want to encourage you to check out, Writing in the Glory: Living from Your Heart to Release a Book that will Impact the World, take the Writing in the Glory E-Course, join us for a live workshop, or sign up for one-on-one coaching. Blessings and fire over you today!