

by Jennifer A. Miskov

Climbing high means
Deeper wounds ‘cause
When you fall
from this altitude
Way up here in the sky
Where the angels reside
It hurts and
You feel
But that just means
You are

Living near the dirt doesn’t hurt
But soaring off of cliffs
When you’re just learning how to fly
Is sure to give you a nice surprise
Oh fearless one

You have climbed high
And fallen low
You have been bruised and beaten down
But never letting go and
Not alone
Have risen up
and climbed high

You have run far
And stayed low
You have fought hard
And not let go
You have dug deep
And struck gold

Hearts wide open
Singing and soaring
You’ve never looked back
Even when your heart was cracked
Wide Open

Oil spills out
Fills the room
Everything changes
In the perfume of

Courage hidden in tears
Now ascending
High above the clouds
Deep into the rhythm
Of His heart beating
Faster as He draws near

Feel His breath as He
Stands before
Face to face
Lost in His embrace
No more shame
For this is how
You Overcame


*Written on April 26, 2018 and presented to the graduating Destiny House tribe 2017-2018. Be blessed and infused with courage and strength for such a time as this. Hang on tight to Him and don't give up. This world needs you.

Jennifer Miskov