My Crazy Life: Destiny House & Personal Update
By Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D. July 17, 2018
Here I am sitting with white space surrounding me, walls stripped bear. The only decorations left are the memories that remain. I have moved a total of 8 times since coming to Redding in September of 2011. I am approaching my 7 year anniversary of being in Redding as I finish up not only packing to go on my next trip to Maui but also packing up and moving out of both Destiny House and my beautiful little apartment on Gold Hills Drive. I said goodbye to the house on Placer Street where the Destiny House movement was birthed yesterday.
You see, earlier on this year God was stirring our team to begin praying about next steps with Destiny House. As we neared renewing our lease into our 7th year, we felt there was a shift and that God wanted to do something new in our tribe. Instead of doing what we always did, we felt God was leading us to stay small as we grow big. After a huge process of God speaking and confirming it to us (including the painful process of surrender and trusting it all to the Lord), we let go of the physical property. This was not easy at all, especially as I had vision to see worship released in family there for 100 years and we still had 93 left to go! We came to realize that Destiny House is more than a building, it's a people.
We only found out months later after we decided not to renew the lease into the season, that YWAM (Youth With A Mission) had decided to rent out the neighboring Presbyterian church and needed a place nearby for their students to live. When we were feeling led to let go of that house, we had no idea of any of these things! God moved us out to make space for YWAM to steward the well of revival in the next season. Now a layer of missions will be built upon what we cultivated with worship in family and encounter. To learn more about our shift at Destiny House, see blog post entitled Living Stones: Open Letter About Changes with Destiny House.
The good thing is, we follow a Person, not a vision. Ultimately being one with Jesus is our greatest destiny, no matter what that looks like. This means that at any time as we follow the dreams and desires of our hearts, as we are united with Christ, He has the total freedom to change plans. We need to remain tender and moldable in His hands to allow Him to reshape us and rebuild us at any time (Jeremiah 18).
What does it look like to be clay in the hands of the Potter and completely trust Him even if it is uncomfortable in this new season? I can tell you this right now, everywhere I look, God is doing a new thing! We must allow Him to take us on a wild adventure and not resist His pull, even if it looks like something totally out of the box that we never would have even thought of. God is shifting, transitioning, and bringing alignment with Heaven over our relationships, callings, and partnerships so that He can knit us closer to our tribe in this season and prepare us to be perfectly positioned to steward the great harvest that is on it’s way and in some ways is already here.
Now is an important season of uprooting, repositioning, and launching into greater destiny as well as planting and building where God leads. One of my dreams for Destiny House was that people who came for a night or a season would get launched into a greater measure of their destiny when they left. As our tribe is now scattered all over the world, it feels a bit like the church in Acts that shifted from Jerusalem to Antioch. I believe God is launching us all into even more of what we are born for.
Some happy last memories with Destiny House alumni at the Placer Street house.
So that takes me into my personal update and very raw and unfinished process I will invite you into. Let me warn you, I don’t have a lot of answers, however, if you have managed to continue reading this far, I like you and want to include you in this journey. Today, July 17, 2018 is my last day of living in my apartment that I’ve been so blessed to have these past couple of years. A few days before my recent world tour, the family who I rent from told me they might be moving soon. Then a few weeks later, while I was ministering around the globe, I received the email that the house was sold and I’d have to move soon (they totally honored me in the process throughout the quick change including the house selling the day it went on the market). I honestly wasn’t surprised, especially after all that had recently unfolded with Destiny House. At the same time, I also honestly didn’t want to go either because I loved all of the intimate moments I have shared with Jesus in this space as well as the special moments with friends here. After a process of realizing it is the Lord who is pulling apart my nest so that He can push me out and teach me how to soar (the most uncomfortable feeling ever), I finally accepted it as the hand of God and began to move forward (after moving back and forth and feeling turned upside-down first).
I had already planned a trip to Maui before I knew anything about moving and feel the Lord on what God wants to do there. So right now you may have as many questions as I have, but in the midst of not having any of the answers to give you at this time, I want to say I am excited for what God has next. I trust Him fully to lead and guide, starting with the first step to Hawaii. While there for several weeks, I will get to spend some time resting and adventuring with one of my spiritual fathers and his wife, as well as a few ministry opportunities to pour out on the island and get to know the Maui tribe more. I will even get to do some work there and record an Ecourse in a studio along with other creative projects that have been on my heart for awhile. I can hardly believe this is my life and I am so grateful to receive such gifts from God. The life of being in full time ministry has it’s perks when God is your boss.
As of today, I am planning in being in Maui about a month, return to Redding for a few months to teach first quarter of BSSM, help set up the new season at Destiny House, teach at a few YWAM schools, do a ministry trip to Alaska doing a Writing in the Glory workshop in a prison, and spend time praying about what God has for me next (this is all very subject to change depending on what the Lord's plans are which will take precedent over my own ideas). I will continue to oversee the global movement of Destiny House and the leadership team. Destiny House Redding will now be stewarded by the incredible team of people I have known for many years and who are family to me, Kirsten who was the very first one to move into Destiny House with me nearly six and half years ago and April and Rodney Jennings who are from Anaheim Vineyard where I grew up and have since moved to Redding and have been running with us ever since. The model will look a little different but more to come on that soon. We believe God is doing a new thing and are excited to pioneer revival in family as we continue to dive into our 7th year of Destiny House.
So this is my now update and some of the process to get here. I warn you yet again that in a month, my plans could all completely change. It is my desire to be fully surrendered to the leading of the Holy Spirit and go wherever and whenever He leads no matter what that looks like. I invite your prayers during this process. When I look back at other transitions in my life, I am so encouraged and filled with HOPE that God already has everything mapped out. In the midst of the uncertainty and not knowing answers to most of the questions, one thing I do know is that Jesus is with me along the journey. He is so faithful and always has been.
Regardless of the circumstances surrounding us, the truth is that if God didn’t even spare His own Son, how could He not also give us all things and have incredible plans laid out for us (Romans 8). Whether we have answers or not in this season, knowing Jesus is always enough. He is our One Thing. He is our destiny and our destination. As long as we relentlessly pursue the lover of our souls and remain closely connected with Him, no twists or turns can take our focus off His face. He is our One Obsession and our next step. We can fully trust in Him to lead us in His timing where He wants us to be.
Blessing you with fiery passion to behold the beauty of Jesus and lift His name up high no matter what you are facing today. May great courage to trust in the truth that He is so for you and with you in this journey be imparted as you read this. With love, blessings, and fire,
“Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in Him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with His superabundance until you radiate with hope!” Romans 15:13 (TPT)
Check out this radio interview below which was over 6 years ago when I had no job, no car, and was in a similar situation of transition only to later realize I was on the verge of one of the biggest breakthroughs of my life preparing to birth Destiny House. Receive the blessing and impartation at the end!!!