History in the Making at Weycroft Hall, a Revival Well in England


by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D. (March 8-10, 2019 recap)

Encounter Night

What a special honor to be invited to Weycroft Hall, a historic place of refuge for the persecuted Lollards who were following the ways of Reformer John Wycliffe many years back. God is stirring up the waters and uncovering the stones to release a fresh move of the Spirit through this well of revival in England.

We were welcomed by such wonderful hosts and family there. The first night we did an encounter night and waited on the Holy Spirit. God entered into the space and touched hearts deeply. He stirred up greater hunger and met people where they were at. He also ignited a fresh consecration in hearts.  


Weycroft Making History by hosting the 1st Writing in the Glory Working in the U.K.

Then on Saturday, we did the first ever Writing in the Glory Workshop outside of the U.S.A.! I love that it was England who pioneered the first international workshop and broke it open for the nations to be catalyzed. This is special to me because England feels like my home away from home since living here and doing my Ph.D. several years back. It was also special that the workshop was hosted in an old well of revival. My heart loves everything about this synergy!


We also had our youngest graduate today who was 4 months old named Joshua and followed by Faith at 11 years old. If that’s not prophetic I don’t know what is!

I am excited to see what books and movements will come forth from what was released that day. It was such an honor to sow back in and invest in a land of revival that has given me so much.


BSSM Alumni Gathering

Later that day, we gathered some of the British Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry students together to connect and have time together. So special to have family around the world and see how expansive the tribe is.


Sunday Church

Sunday morning we got to minister at the service and see God move again. It felt so much like family there. Nobody trying to make anything happen or follow rules or traditions, simply a group of people gathering to encounter and know God more together.


I’m so grateful for Tim, Ruth and their incredible tribe of 7 little ones releasing revival in this nation by saying yes to the still small promptings of the Holy Spirit, Vince & Clio for welcoming us by saying “Come on in and break anything,” everyone at Weycroft Hall, and Mary T & Kelly-Joy for helping to organize such a special weekend and pour out their lives to encourage this community and sow back into their own nation. Can’t wait to come back!