Welcome to the Writing in the Glory family!

We believe that you will be marked in a profound way by the love of God as you begin this journey. Below are instructions to get you set up.

1. Go HERE and enter in the password Jesuslovesyou exactly as it is written to get access the online course for life. 

2. Next, add yourself to our Writing in the Glory alumni Facebook group to join the others around the world who have completed the workshop or E-course. This is where creatives from around the world who value the presence of God come together to connect and encourage each other.

3. If you haven't already, make sure to order your copy of the book Writing in the Glory we will be going through together in the E-Course. 


Feel free to spread the word about the E-course and post in our FB group to introduce yourself. We would ask you to please only use the video courses for your own personal use and not to share them, this link, or the codes with anyone else.

Please let us know if you have any questions or send in testimonies to us here: info@silvertogold.com

Many blessings as you embark on this very significant journey deeper into the heart of God. Hope to meet you in person one day! Blessings, fire, and anointing on your journey,

Jen and Writing in the Glory team