2:6 Creating Space for the Holy Spirit

Pentecost painting at the Louvre in Paris

Pentecost painting at the Louvre in Paris

Positioning for the Incoming Harvest

What does it look like to create space for the Holy Spirit to move? How can we position ourselves to step into all that God has for us in our day? What does it look like to prepare for revival and cultivate spaces and environments for God to encounter us in a greater measure?

This is my first original podcast where I spoke into the microphone for you all. No audience but you and you alone! Let me know what you thought.

2:6 Creating Space for the Holy Spirit
Jennifer A. Miskov

To read a blog I wrote called Positioning for the Incoming Revival link below


To learn more about how I birthed a community called Destiny House where we cultivated spaces of encounter for a 7 year season and saw signs, wonders, and miracle in our midst check this out.