Partner with us to Ignite Revival around the globe
We invite you to partner with us in raising up spiritual mothers and fathers to steward the billion soul harvest and bringing revival in our generation. Our ministry flows from relationship and we would also love to get to know you better by inviting you to join School of Revival (separate from the ministry) or join one of our future events or meetings.
We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit so all gifts will be tax deductible!
If you have been blessed by us and want to sow into what God is doing, you can give in the following ways:
Cash App: $JenMiskovMinistry
Checks made out to Jen Miskov Ministries. Email us at info@silvertogold.com for the address.
Online through Paypal via the button below or scan the code to the right. This can be a one time gift or monthly. We are currently looking to build a base of financial partners to sow in $30 or more each month.
*You can also do your Amazon orders through Smile.Amazon.com and then choose Silver to Gold Inc. (the legal name of our non-profit) where Amazon will donate a percentage of the qualifying purchases you make.
Here are a few of the things we are wanting to go after in this new season.
Investing in partnering to raise up revivalists and revolutionaries from around the globe.
Partnering with School of Revival to host free or cheap trainings online and around the world.
Releasing the fullness of the Holy Spirit and igniting revival through itinerant ministry or ministry trips.
Spreading Revival Fire through Media: Podcast, revival history videos, blogs, and creating resources to equip, launch, and catalyze pioneers and revivalists around the world
Thanks so much for sowing into what God is doing in this ministry through your prayers, lives, and investments. We wouldn't be able to do what we are doing without your support!