Fresh Oil Poured Out: New York

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

NEW YORK: October 13-16, 2023

When the war broke out in Ukraine a couple of years back, I immediately wanted to go to the front lines to help people in need. The timing of that didn’t work out, so I was thrilled when God opened up a way for me to go to New York to minister to a mostly Slavic community that included many who had fled and escaped from Ukraine and started a new life here.

It was so special watching Pastor Vadym steward the fire of God’s presence with his family in this region. Hearing the miraculous breakthroughs that took place for him to get his family out of Ukraine and safely to the States was so inspiring. A Jewish rabbi in New York took him and his family in and have blessed them with a place to live this last year and half. Even though Pastor Vadym is Pentecostal/Charismatic and doesn’t speak English, this Jewish rabbi said yes to housing this family of 7 soon to be 8 at the time. I got to hear his story over my first Ukrainian lunch together! 

I also had a chance to go to a studio in Manhattan to film a few TV segments with Pastor Vadym that will reach both Russia and Ukraine. We filmed in the heart of the city with a nice view of the Empire State Building. Receive this powerful prayer of blessing from one who is laying down his life to pioneer for the harvest. Like me you may not understand what he is saying in the natural, but may your spirit receive a might outpouring of the Holy Spirit and infusion of His power as you watch the video below.

After the TV filming we toured the city for a little bit before heading to the evening session.

A definite highlight from my final meeting there Sunday night was walking into the restroom at the end of the service when a little girl came up to me and hugged my legs and said she loved me. So much love from such a pure heart. Then afterwards, I went back out and prayed for a few more people before a couple asked me for prayer. I had earlier prayed for each of them separately and noticed a powerful anointing on their lives but didn’t realize they were married. As I prayed for them, the husband shared how God showed him a vision of being in a wide green pasture when the Father came beside him and held his hand. He felt so covered in the love of the Father and realized he was never alone and that His Heavenly Father was always there with him. It was a marking night for him.

Toward the end of praying for them, the adorable little girl who hugged me in the restroom went over to them and I found out she was their daughter!

It was such an honor to be with this community of hungry ones who are perfectly positioned to bring revival in this land for such a time as this. I have been so humbled with the honor to minister and pour out in this fiery community who each have stories of their own of God’s miraculous intervention, deliverance, and provision. I am forever grateful for this time together.

Thank you for all who prayed for our time together and please continue to pray that God would release a fresh outpouring of the Spirit through this community of saints.

Jennifer Miskov