Hope in Transition
Not sure what’s next, but learning how to transition well. God is our home and our safe place always (Psalm 91).
by Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD on location in Maui
I know a lot of us are in major transition in our lives. Whether it’s recovering from the Redding fires or transitioning back to your home country, or moving out of where you once lived into a new community, graduating school and entering into “real life”, letting go of your job to pursue your dreams, or processing the past season.
I am currently in transition as well, and hanging on tight to God for whatever is next. I find myself letting go, processing the past, and learning to celebrate and grieve what once was so that I am able to position myself to receive what He is preparing next. I’m doing my best to lean into Him, and moving where the Spirit leads, literally one step at a time. I was reminded the other day by a precious one that the last time I was in a similar major transition, was “homeless,” and not exactly sure what was next that God birthed Destiny House. That was nearly seven years ago. And what an incredible journey it’s been along the way where God has added to my spiritual family in such a sweet way.
The good news about transition is that it's temporary. This awkward season of shifting from one way of life to a new one soon shall pass. Many times transition is an uncomfortable growing pain because we are growing taller and about to step into more. What once fit us no longer does because God is about to give us new shoes that we will need to traverse on new territory for a new season.
If you are currently in the midst of a transition, I encourage you to think of a time in the past where you were in a similar season and recall what came next. God is so faithful and always has been. He will get you to where you need to be as you seek His face above all else. I also want to encourage you to give yourself lots of grace. Everybody goes through a season of transition differently and at his or her own pace. Some are quick to make the change and others take longer to process. Continue to invite God into your process wherever you are at.
If you are mourning a season of old, remember that God takes us from glory to glory so whatever is next, is going to blow your mind. It may come to you in a different looking package than you’d expect. However, if you are positioned where God wants you right now for such a time as this, He’s surrounding you with keys for your destiny hidden in the lives all around you. Blessing you with great hope in the midst of this change. He’s not only transforming you into more of who you are called to become, He’s getting ready to pour you out to the world in a greater overflowing measure. Lean into Him; He will hold your hand in this transition and get you to the other side.
Blessing each of you with fresh perspective for what God is currently doing in your midst and an infusion of hope and anticipation for what He is about to do. May He remind you today who you are and what you’re born for. May His faithfulness overwhelm you and may He be your peace that passes understanding.
“This is what the Lord says – He who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters…Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:16-19