England, Czech Republic, Mozambique Recap 2018
by Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD
I started my world tour by stopping in London for a few days to see Destiny House alumni Lucy and her family, Carmella, and then got to see Elisabeth King who happened to be in town too. Was great to reconnect with the beautiful Destiny House tribe in the U.K.
Then I headed to Birmingham where I lived from 2007-2011 and completed my PhD. We got to reconnected with friends Andrew & Rosie McNeil who are also the Vineyard pastors there. They hosted Destiny House family & alumni Stacy, Laura, Aimee, and myself with their incredible hospitality skills and also set us up for a fun week of partnering what God is doing in the nation. In February, they visited Destiny House and our tribe had the opportunity to pray and prophesy over them and it was a special time together. It was such a treat to then be with them in England right after they finished their sabbatical.
We dove straight into ministry with a special Holy Spirit Encounter night they planned for us when we arrived Thursday eve. God filled the church with hungry hearts. After I shared about the inheritance in that land that John Wesley paved the way for, we welcomed more of God’s presence and He came in a special way.
The next evening we got to share with the youth of the church and play games which was fun. Saturday we hit the streets to be a part of Healing on the Streets. It was fun to be back with the crew that helped me launch it in the city over 10 years ago. There were some fun opportunities to pray for people there. On our walk back to the car, we decided to ask one of the buskers who was singing in the city center if we could borrow his guitar and microphone to release something and he said yes! Laura strummed on the guitar as Aimee shared her spoken word out there on the streets. Was so powerful and so much fun! Later that night we had dinner and a small gathering at the house we were staying at. We got to worship and share testimonies together, some of my favorite things to do!
On Sunday, we did two services, one in the morning and one in the eve. In the evening service, after the team prophesied over the nation including Mary T. who met up with us, I shared about the Welsh Revival and then called for a fresh baptism of fire and of the Holy Spirit. God moved in our midst in a powerful way. So grateful to have had the opportunity to pour out in my home church in England I was involved in when I lived there.
Monday night we gathered the prophetic community of a few local Vineyard churches and after the team imparted what they had learned about the prophetic, Stacy danced over each person what she was feeling prophetically for them. It was so powerful. Tuesday we had a play day and went to Stratford upon Avon where Shakespeare grew up. England was so good to us. We felt so welcomed, loved, and I’m also so grateful to Andrew and Rosie for making space for us to share our hearts and impart into their people.
It was also special to recognize how much I have grown in the last 7 years since living thee and how faithful God has been to me. He’s done so much in such a short amount of time and I am so grateful. It was a treat to see friends and partner together to release more of the Holy Spirit in the church and city. From ministering at church, to Healing on the Streets, to a youth meeting, prophetic gathering, staff meeting, we had a special time pouring out together. Highlights were definitely when Aimee and Laura asked a street performer to use his microphone and guitar so they could release spoken word on the streets, the small gathering where Stacy prophesied over everyone there through dance, and reconnecting with precious friends. It was special also getting to impart our Destiny House DNA to others wanting to build community. We love our English family and it was a treat to reconnect and partner together with Andrew and Rosie for a fresh move of God in their nation.
From England, we flew to Czech Republic where more of our Destiny House tribe came from around the world to meet together at a castle. We were initially drawn to visit the Czech after several confirmations, dreams, and divine appointments as well as the desire to dig deeper into the well of the Moravian movement which we’ve been influenced by.
We had such a special and deep time together with the Destiny House family in the CZECH REPUBLIC. It’s like we discovered the roots of our own tribe here. These people know how to linger in God’s presence and wait on the Holy Spirit in such a tender way. Rather than bringing them Encounter with Jesus, we all just went there together. We also had some beautiful moments of communion with each other on the castle grounds where the 24-7 worship was hosted. Our Encounter night in the barn ended with us all holding hands uniting together with people from different churches and the shape of our circle ended up in a heart. This is so profound as Czech is known as the heart of Europe. We felt such a sweet connection with this nation that birthed the Moravian movement. It’s been such a treat to be together with the Destiny House family in Europe.
In the Czech, we realized that the way we normally minister didn’t work there because we discovered that we were drinking from the same well and that these were our people. We saw a need to actually teach and help cultivate connection and unity among the people rather than only lead encounters. I shared about being the Living Stones as well as the importance of every part of the Body of Christ needed to play it’s part in unity. We were blessed with sweet kindred connections with Niko, Teresa and their family at the castle where we stayed. They hosted an evening with us at their barn and brought in leaders and people from the region together. They also hosted a 24-7 prayer room the weekend we were there. We also got to visit the church where Jan Hus used to preach before he was martyred for defending his faith. BSSM students Jennifer and Eva and other friends welcomed us into the nation with so much hospitality and fun. We loved our time together partnering for unity in the nation.
My first stop was at the Iris base in Maputo. One of the most profound moments of my trip happened when I was being driven into the center at the same time that school was getting out on the base. We slowly drove on the first road filled with kids in uniforms that slowly parted as we drove through. A sea of well fed and educated children all because of one yes over 20 years ago by Rolland and Heidi Baker. We never know how many people in the future will be impacted by our one yes today. I was wrecked!
There it was great to meet the incredible missionaries and to facilitate a Holy Spirit worship night together with them. I also got to see some the once kids when I first met them but who are now moms and dads with families. They are still burning for Jesus nearly two decades later which makes my heart so happy!
CAMP 2000
From there I got to help take a team of visitors out a couple hours north to Camp 2000, a church in a refugee camp I helped plant right after the floods in the year 2000. I got to see Pastor Rafael and meet his family with 4 kids. I first met him when he was 17 and he would go out with me and the others to evangelize and plant churches years ago. Seeing his faithfulness to continue to remain there even after 18 years warmed my heart.
While there was not much progress on the physical church building since last time I was there in 2012 and prayed over its foundations, the church community itself, though small, was strong with a solid leadership team and burning hearts devoted to the Lord.
They were so blessed to have us visit and after our worship service together they made us a great local feast. God put it in my heart to help Rafael build the church building he’s wanted for the past 6 years but has no income to make any progress on. His dream is to also eventually make it a center to help care for orphans since there’s a need to help the children there. I will take a team here next year to help build the church and it costs less than $10,000 to help make this dream a reality. If anyone would like to contribute toward this project, you can give here www.silvertogold.com/give
I next flew up to the north in Pemba and God gave me safe passage into the city. There were recent terrorist attacks in villages that Iris has been to a few hours north of there and many had warned me not to go. However, when I heard the news, I was even more compelled to go to simply be there and pray if nothing more. When you’re family is in trouble, it’s good to support them and stand together. To learn more of Iris' official statement during this time, go HERE.
I had the opportunity to teach the Mozambican Bible School students several times and also a couple times for the remaining Harvest School students that were there before they all were told by the government to leave the country because of the attacks that had taken place.
I had the chance to visit the Iris University that Heidi has been contending for for over 15 years now. It truly is amazing to see that even in the face of attack and opposition of the enemy, Heidi and Rolland are continuing to move forward with the promises God placed on their hearts. To quote Heidi herself, “When you don’t quit, you win.” Sometimes dreams take a long time to build but I am grateful for examples like Heidi who don’t give up on the dreams God has placed in her heart.
I also have the privilege to go on the Iris boat with Heidi, Pastor Surprise, and lots of other greats. We had fun adventures as well as got to meet some of the village children when we took a smaller boat to an islet. The next day we went to do an outreach to the village children at the university. With 2 minutes warning, I got asked to preach to the children and found out when I was holding the microphone that I’d have to do it in Portuguese. I’m not exactly sure what they heard but it was fun to literally dive into the deep end and give it a try!
I had the opportunity to go on another boat ride on our sabbath day with some of the incredible visitors who all said yes to come despite the crazy reports and danger in the land. We had so much fun and finally got to swim in the gorgeous ocean here. It’s an amazing gift that Captain Kapas has made possible to the visitors and missionaries to take them out for a 3 hour tour and help them get refreshed during the intensity of living on a mission field. Taking a sabbath rest is life if you want to finish well and they are doing it well there. We even saw dolphins on our trip together!
My last day in Pemba we all prayed for a mama who’s kids were recently killed by the radicals. As I was praying for her, my heart was breaking. It’s one thing when you’re on the other side of the world hearing of the reports of terror but to be sitting with one who had her family stolen from her makes the pain and the war real and realer than it’s ever been. It was such an honor to be there with the Iris family during such a dark time. Heidi and Rolland are on the forefront of bringing light to pierce the darkness and I was inspired to realize even more that my life is not my own and that being inconvenienced or suffering for the sake of the Gospel is one of the biggest privilege on this earth.
As Christians we have authority over this murderous spirit coming against our generation. We don’t fight against flesh and blood but principalities and powers (Ephesians 6). We have authority in Christ to tear down strongholds and to defeat this enemy of our generation through fierce love and prayer. With God all things are possible. If God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8). In the darkest of times, it’s our time as the church to shine and go wherever the Spirit leads us. If we die, we die. But if we don’t step out and take risks where God is leading, are we really even living at all?
I was reminded in Africa that Christianity is not about being comfortable. How many times have I or we prioritized avoiding pain over obedience? But did Jesus avoid pain? Did the apostle Paul go around cities because he knew he might be beaten (Acts 14:19-20, 20:22-24, 21:1-16)? They and so many others fully followed the leading of the Spirit even into suffering and pain because they knew there was a greater purpose. They knew that they lived for eternity.
Paul’s said in Philippians 3: 8-11
“I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ and be found in Him... I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings becoming like him in death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.”
Will we say yes today to the call to go anywhere and do anything God calls us to, no matter what the price? Will we surrender all for the sake of One who laid down His very life to give us a future and a hope? Will we allow ourselves to be inconvenienced for the sake of loving Him today?
Let's pray this pray afresh together right now.
Jesus, I surrender ALL of my life to you today. I lay all of my gifts, reputation, relationships, accomplishments, past, present, future, dreams, and destiny at Your feet. I trust it all to You and ask that You consume it all with your fire. Anything that’s not Your gold for my life, strip it from me. I give You permission to melt and reshape my heart. You can refocus, remold, restructure, and redirect my life however You seem fit. I want more of You at any cost. You can have my whole heart. Let my life be ALL about loving you wholeheartedly. May my life be a fragrant offering well pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Here's a few verses to read on the privilege it is when we get to suffer alongside Christ:
Philippians 1:29-30 / 1 Peter 4:12-16 / Hebrews 13:3 / James 1:2-4 / Acts 14:19-23
Did you know that when the wind is against you and you spread out your wings, you will fly even higher? In the face of resistance or challenging seasons, that’s precisely the time to step out in faith and believe for more. It was in the midst of the Great Depression that Aimee Semple McPherson had faith to step out to build one of the largest churches in L.A. I had the honor of watching first hand how in the midst of one of the darkest times in her beloved nation, Heidi Baker became even more fierce to take more land and move forward to bring light, love, and healing into the darkest places. I am honored to be alive for such a time as this. I want to encourage you to never give up on your dreams and in the hardest of times, do the opposite of whatever is coming against you. You were born for such a time as this.
So shine bright ones; He is worth the prize. When challenges and hardships come against you, you are on the verge of your biggest breakthrough. The only way forward is facing the storm head on and going through it. Breakthrough is on the other side of this trial, I promise you that. Be courageous, God is with you. Isaiah 40:31, 60:1, Psalm 91
Thanks for joining me on this journey and for all those who supported this trip, we couldn’t have done it with your investment and prayers! Blessings and fire on your journey. May your eyes remain fixed on the face of Jesus always, He is so for and with you!
Extended Version