You are born for such a time as this.
You are not here by accident. It’s time to come off the sidelines and step into the front lines. This generation needs YOU to be fully alive and on fire for God. I am looking forward to coming alongside of you to see your destiny fulfilled! –Jen Miskov, Ph.D.
Are you a Revivalist who wants to find your tribe?
Do you long to run after more of God and step into your destiny with a family of revivalists from around the globe where you will be seen, known, and celebrated as the gift of God that you are?
School of Revival exists to equip and raise up spiritual mothers and fathers to steward the incoming end time harvest. We cultivate and equip leaders to steward revival in family through online schools and trainings, in person intensives, and by bringing together fiery revivalists from around the globe to burn together for more of Jesus.
Join our Next 5-week online module
Asbury Revival: Past & Present
Register to join our 5-week module. Meets for LIVE online debriefs Thursdays at 5pm PT beginning March 13-April 10, 2025
Join our ONLINE School of Revival Mentorship Community
We meet weekly online Wednesday mornings at 9am PT with a small group of burning ones including special guest revivalists. Learn more below.
Do you have a message in your heart to release to the world through a book?
Through workshops, coaching, writing retreats, online trainings, the workbook, E-course, and a revival community, Writing in the Glory has catalyzed authors around the world to write and release their first books as well as step into a greater measure of their destiny from a place of encountering God. Step into your dream today.